director'S message

Welcome to Imagine Education


It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Imagine Education Australia. At Imagine, we cater for your every need as a student, have courses to meet your needs and the needs of your children, offer accommodation services, and provide job club to assist you in gaining part-time employment. We offer a range of courses to suit your educational and life choices. Imagine has a warm, welcoming atmosphere and well-qualified staff who are enthusiastic about your learning and their teaching. Having personally worked in education my entire life, I can assure you that we are in “the business of education”, not “the education business”.

Education is the mainstay for people and families wishing to improve their lives and increase their global mobility. For most, this means mastery of the English language; for many, it means gaining a qualification in an area where there is high demand for jobs and a career. Imagine Education Australia is a place where we do things right, with genuine care for each and every member of our community.

Bill Adler
CEO Co-Principal